Some details about profiling possibilities

First option (cProfile and gprof2dot)

python -m cProfile -o output.pstats ./ scripts/ -f pstats output.pstats -n 0.1 -e 0.02| dot -Tpng -o output2.png

Second option (cProfile and pstats)

./ –python

Third option (cProfile, convert to kcachegrind)

python scripts/ kcachegrind

Fourth option (sysprof system-wide profiler on Linux)

For sysprof, either use “sudo m-a a-i sysprof-module” to build the module for your current kernel, on Debian-like distributions, or use a development version of sysprof (>=1.11) and a recent kernel (>=2.6.31) that has built-in support, with in-kernel tracing as an addition.

sysprof ./ -f sysprof sysprof_profile_kernel| dot -Tpng -o output_sysprof_kernel.png

TODO : write a converter from sysprof to callgrind (similar to lsprofcalltree)